
About SonoCine

About SonoCine

The detection of breast cancer has been an ongoing effort and unfortunate tragedy for now over three thousand women every month dying from breast cancer. For women over the age of thirty-four, breast cancer has been plagued as the leading cause of death. Living in a world with leading technological advances, why is such an epidemic unsolved for the masses? Cancer in itself among western medicine practices have seen its gradual advances over the years, although within the scope of breast cancer practices, there are still inefficiencies that lie given mammograms are still the primary practice to detect any preliminary stages of breast cancer. 

Women are instructed to get checked regularly with screened mammograms to help lower the risk of breast cancer, but what many women do not know is that mammograms become less effective when tested amongs dense breasts. Studies show that 10% of women have extremely dense breast tissue, resulting in what can be faulty testing during the mammogram in what may result in the patient receiving a “Happy Gram”. The current pain point and solution to this problem is to develop a non invasive, quick and safe procedure that can detect beyond the 5-10mm breast density to secure a much more sophisticated and accurate report. Leading innovators in this field are advancing this practice with companies such as SonoCiné AWBUS®, an effective technology platform designed to find virtually all 5-10mm breast cancers, including lobular and DCIS. 


Demi Moore on a visit to Sonobreasts.

“I have been using SonoCiné for the past 4 years and have detected many cancers as small as 3mm. Fortunately with the cancer detected so early, none of my patients had to endure the next steps of invasive chemotherapy or radiation. It was as simple as getting a lumpectomy and going straight home.. this is the future of breast imaging.”

-Jasmine Khorsandi, Founder of SonoBreasts


Jasmine Khorsandi - EverTalk TV

EverTalk TV 05:34

Must-Watch Documentary

HAPPYGRAM explores the deadly impact of withholding material medical information from 40 million women each year who obtain screening mammograms for the early detection of cancer. For the 40% of these women who do have dense breast tissue ( 15 million), mammograms are an ineffective screening tool, missing up to 75% of cancers in dense tissue. Each year, thousands of these women die as a result of the missed cancer. Despite the evidence of mammographic ineffectiveness in these women, if no cancer is detected on the mammogram, most women were informed that their results were " normal" or " negative." The information is communicated in a letter that is mailed to each woman, known as the " HAPPYGRAM."


"October was breast cancer awareness month. I was working and traveling so I punted my annual check up a few weeks. I went to go see my friend @sonobreasts for a radiation-free, pain-free breast scan. I like to do these in between mammograms to cover all my bases." 



"Taking care of my breasts @sonobreasts SonoCine ultrasound #prevention. 50% of mammograms miss cancer if you have dense breast tissue. Thorough exam, comfortable experience. Take care of your boobs!!!!!" 



"As a woman with dense breast tissue I am so grateful for this procedure. I highly recommend getting this done if you can."


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About SonoBreasts


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